Monday, December 25, 2023

From Climbing Pods to Beans and Rice

 I wanted to share my success this year with black beans which are from my country Puerto Rico. These beans are very good for very hot climates and work great here. I have only planted them 2 times but last year I added more. I'm still trying growing them up by myself here in my backyard but I'm still learning on how much spacing or how many each should normally produce. This year the weather has hit us quite different and the recent cold has stunted the grow or so i though. It has been weird because I had noticed that it also grew new pods very quickly at some times and when the weather felt normal and quite hot that's when this year they had been stunted. I need to study more for sure. I harvested several pods maybe 10 and my bf peeled the beans from the skin, and put them to soak in water for 8-12 hours. I completely forgot to share a photo of the pods but here are some of my current ones that I just harvested, perfect for thanksgiving.

 At first we were going to serve them to my family who came to visit for thanksgiving but since they're so many and it's only 10 pods which was in total like I don't know.. 50 beans? sort off, we decided to keep them for ourselves. We grew them, and were going to see more of the value than anybody else even my family. For thanksgiving my boyfriend made our typical rice with black beans which is a must in all of ours holidays, and added to it. They were delicious, I'm not sure If I can for certainty say they taste better than the supermarket ones or if its in my imagination but all I can say is that it felt so nice to eat something with a vegetable you grew in your own garden? Have you grow black beans? let me know in the comments :)

Forest Retreat: Embracing the Quiet Growth & Rekindling Creativity

Before I start telling you why I decided to pause for a bit my Youtube uploads, I wanted to first thank you all for following me all of these years there or even now if you joined recently. I have enjoyed all the person to person conversations I've had with you . Seeing many people mention how my videos helped them grow their mori wardrobe or mori goals has been a very pleasant surprise to me, I'm very fortunate to have found people who have been connected thru my content. I've been making Youtube videos for 7-8 years?? but not so much on mori content because It simply hasn't been like forever since I started to wear the fashion. I always have and had ideas for the channel you see. I actually have them written down in my notepad at this time, and I had one on script but I just keep finding it harder for me to continue there? I'm not saying I'm not going back again. I even keep saying how I'm going to upload a video soon and soon, well you get it. I keep promising things I can't deliver, and I don't feel good about it.

Anways, I'm going to tell you now everything I've been feeling: 

Even though I do enjoy being creative, making videos is a lot more of a pain than what you think it is. At least for someone who works 8-5 like the majority of people. Even though I was making it for fun, it does takes me hours to even film and then edit, etc. My editing is basic but they still take me a while. It drains me, and it keeps me stuck from doing anything else. I have to think on a script, I have to dress up, put on make up, figure out the lighting(which I still suck at), pay attention on the: battery, memory card, film ,edit, uploads and shares to all my social medias, let's not forget of reply and never stop engaging with people, get new ideas, and repeat). It didn't matter if I made a video short or long because it wouldn't get enough videos, likes or comments. Yes, I said I did them for fun but it also hurts when you love something and it takes so many hours, days or weeks and the content doesn't do well. This is my fault for being such a dreamer as well. Just the idea of having to put-on make up is already a struggle for me. I know I shouldn't have to but you know more than I do that being unpolished isn't a good look(sarcasm) on social media oh, specially as a woman. We don't have to lie to ourselves. Call me pessimist but that's how I have felt on social media since I started my channel or at least what I have seen these couple of years.

Sorry for saying of these things but there's so much stuff on my chest. It has been for so long. 
This is simply one of my issues but not the biggest one actually. Youtube has this constant non-stop grinding cycle with the whole algorithm, views, likes and subscribe thing really kills you slowly deep down. Doesn't help that my spoons are very limited as well as I suffer from chronic illnesses as well. again, I know I won't be the next PewDiePie but it really affects you after a while. This whole social media thing even on Instagram or TikTok it does take a toll on anyone who wants to share their passion or connect with anyone thru it. After the loss of my cat Hope which many of you know I really lost all of my "Hope". I wanted to quit for so long even before her departure to be honest because with all the pressure to look pretty, be trendy, make  content, be consistent, also the big amount of young people who also wants to be an influencer so young, it's insane and there's a lot of more competition for views. I was getting very depressed with all of it together. After Hope passed away I noticed how much time I have "lost". Even though I was with her everyday, the time I stayed just preparing for videos that didn't reached people because Youtube would recommend other things, or just because people won't be interested enough to be subscribed at least for future ones really was the final straw. I would had stayed just cuddling with her all that time and lived a slow life like I tended to advocate with the whole mori lifestyle. Ironic that, I wasn't doing it because I was all in into the influencer/social media nonsense. I got so sad to know I could have spent more time with her even if already had spent 100%, I wanted more. 200%,300% whatever. Better than feeling mentally sick with how social media sucks you up. Anyways, I was simply burnt out and depressed. A perfect combo for a hiatus. 
After spending few months away after her passing, I wasn't thinking on staying too long in hiatus because I felt that people "were waiting for me". I kept thinking that after so many videos, am I really leaving and quitting after those many years/videos uploaded? I felt that I would had wasted my time for nothing until I kept telling myself back that I already wasted it by not spending it with the people or companions I love/loved and are no longer here.

Now, why a blog? isn't that the same? 
well I really don't even know. Maybe. I never had a blog, or I have ever done journal but I know that besides having to attended a therapist after Hope passing I also needed a place to vent. Instagram's doesn't feel good because it still has that algorithm that drains me out and makes me sick with the whole constant ads on ads, and the whole never-ending unrealistic content. I didn't mentioned but also about collaboration videos I made which some I deleted from the channel. I was tired of showing off stuff. Mainly because they were given to me for free and even though i didnt liked if I liked the item it was a constant pressure,  and the amount of expectations was laughable. I would only receive money thru commissions but I'm a small channel so it's basically verh hard or impossible lol. Then the companies wouldn't ever contact me again but they could reuse my channel forever. Nono. Where was my channel heading to??? If I ever do sponsors I will think twice but for now I'm tired of sponsors so much.

The whole collaboration made me re-think many many things.

I want to be in a safe place/space, cozy corner or "burrow" hence my blog's name. Where I can be myself, talk... or in this case "type" without worrying about my memory card, battery, lighting or algorithm. I can do and say whatever I want. Nobody can see me how I'm dressed up or if my face is all dolled up. I can talk about all the things I like/hate and like to do in life. I thank my friend Lynzie who encouraged me to make a blog, even though it's been few days only but it seems I can never stop writing as if this is something I needed for so long. I'm not sure if I'm going to be burnt out in a week but I'm doing it now and as long as I can. I do will say that I have to pay attention that it doesn't happen to me here since I can look at likes, comments and views but I will try to focus on just writing and ignore that tab as much as I can.

Hope you can understand that I'm still me and I do still enjoy whatever you have seen me post about but, I needed a safer space to express myself. This will also help me expand on topics and help me grow in literature since that's something I was finding hard while making videos. My lack of vocabulary is very small(Spanish is my first language), and I l have a hard time retaining information when it comes to verbal communication) so I think for now this will be my little burrow.

Staying Cool & Cozy: My Top Mori Fashion Picks for Hot Climates

 Staying cool and cozy would be a perfect combination when it comes to mori but we all know that the climate is never perfect so we have to adjust. I cannot speak for everyone's specific pieces but I can share what I normally have found to work for me in living in the sunshine state of "Le Florida" lol. just as I mentioned in my other post with has a similar title "Sunshine State", I said how I had to adjust to Florida's random weather, and even though I tried to challenge it, I decided to take it more seriously and find things that could actually help me out wear more my closet the whole year or at least most of it, well maybe a bit more than usual. I'm not gonna lie but I still have pieces that are cold centered but i tried to keep them minimal than what I had before. I have sold many things in these 1-2 years. I might make another post of "picks" per se but for this one I will mention the things I noticed I have kept reusing over and over. maybe it's because they're simply favorites, or maybe it's the colors/palettes that grabs my attention. the thing is...that I keep wearing them. that must be good, right?

Here are my picks from MY CLOSET:

Headbands are one of those accessories that look so beautiful in most coords. It's delicate, enhances your face, and you can remove it whenever you can. I found this one on Poshmark years ago, and have another one I got from Taobao years ago when I started wearing mori. I want to make my own since I crochet now but I'm so lazy. There's many patterns out there to choose from. Next, 

Clips/Hairclips/Pins are a great accessory to have since you can add them to any outfit you have. Shoes, top, bottom, hair, etc? anywhere you want. I do felt in love in specific with one I got from Taobao also years ago because it had a hair clip and a pin both attached to the back. Being something small meant that I could attach it to simple pieces and enhance my outfit with less effort in the heat. when you wear something very simple, let's say "normie" well you look... Normie lol?, so adding pieces with mori accents really levels up your look. at least that's what I think and I have noticed. You can agree to disagree, but I hope you agree non the less. 😂😂

Sleeveless Vests are also a thing I keep re-wearing. Same with everything I had said at the beginning, it does helps again adding dimension to your old plain comfy tshirts/tunics you would normally wear for the summer or the beach(it's been years i've been to one even though I literally come from one LOL). I do keep in mind on the material though. Some of the ones I have are made of natural materials, but some have lace fabrics which tend to be from synthetics materials or maybe the linen is simply too thick for that temperature. I tend so switch from very thin ones to even some I have made in crochet with very big opened stitches.

Crochet Pieces are also a good option for layer up if you're able to get one of make one yourself. I have been reusing mostly the ones that have big opening. even though some are made of acrylic, if the opening are big enough the air will pass trough. I do want to make one of bamboo and Tencel. Never worked with them but I have the yarns in my possessions and oh~lala how soft they are, hahah. I hope get done with all acrylics, and continue purchasing natural yarns even if they cost me more. I mean, I'm gonna stay in Florida for who knows? Acrylics are good for indoors if they're blankets i think but how many would I need or want?😌

Flat Shoes are another thing I have kept wearing lately. I only had high boots even in Puerto Rico. I would wear even if my feet were sweaty and hot. People would always stare and tell me how crazy I was. I just, dunno... I like boots? lol but since starting to wear mori, when I would layer up the boots were adding a lot of more weight to me(I felt). The heat got more and more unbearable. My footsteps became more heavier than before with so much layering over me already. I decided to start wearing some flat shoes with a thinner material I got from Taobao(back then I was doing all my mori purchases there hence my constant repetition of the site, I mean they have very nice stuff sniff), to try and experiment and I guess I liked it. As I mentioned, they were made with natural materials so they were also more breathable but also complimented my looks. I could wear them with any fashion style so that was good too. I still have my boots but I would wear depending on how I feel that day. Hah

 Many of the accessories I mentioned as you can see have decorations/crochet or anything with texture. That's one of my biggest pick points into getting that mori look in the summer. Add texture over your simple pieces to elevate that cozy look. I will mentioning that point in several of my posts. (I was going say "videos", I'm stuck as a "youtuber" lol). This post was mainly about my picks but it's kinda a tangent topic with what those pieces had in common with what I normally wear or would wear in any mori conditions. Hope everything made sense to you!. Happy Mori~

Saturday, December 23, 2023

A Simple Stitch, a Touch of Pink: My Cozy Pink Crochet Vest

 My first crochet post. I decided to make a vest from a creator's page I found through Pinterest. Which took me by surprise because I normally only find link posts through the site where I have to pay for patterns or just pure ads( not saying there isnt free patterns but I just have bad luck, hahah). This was a completely free tutorial with different sizes available all with a simple English's written format. I had bought several worsted skeins but didn't had a project in mind. That's something I want to learn to control in the future. I saw this easy pattern and decided to follow it because:

  1. I need to learn how to read crochet patterns. I mainly have crochet from Japanese's diagrams since they're 1 language: (symbols). 
  2. I had the amount of yarn ( A bit extra though, in case)
  3. Easy enough for me to craft while listening to an audiobook
  4. It is a Vest. Which is perfect for layering

I did had to make some modifications because the yarn I used, even though it was the same weight (worsted)But different brand and the hook size recommended wasn't matching the gauge of the tutorial. I had to used a size 6mm. It's insane how many swatches I had to make to finally reach the gauge. I used the brand from Michaels impeccable yarn in color soft rose, and used 4 skeins. I had 5 skeins just in case. during my crocheting therapy....,I had to start several times because I didn't noticed that I followed the medium size and I'm size large. Halfway finishing the back panel I noticed I had different stitches mixed up in one row. The first half with single crochet and the other half in double crochet. Then, I assumed that the front panels had the same square "shape" as the back but I forgot completely that this pattern has a strap in the front panel. (Not so much therapy anymore)

I tend to assume I know what I'm doing even in my real job and then I get in trouble and have to start over or fix again things up and I seem to not learn. It doesn't help how distracted I get while listening to an audiobook. To be honest, if it wasn't for all of these mistakes I would had finished already. The pattern is so easy and here I am overcomplicating myself because I overestimate, and my lack of focus is over 9000.

Te original pattern didn't had any ruffles or anything on the sides or button but a simple trim. It was meant to be simple and easy pattern for anyone to follow. But you know me ;), I like my laces, ruffles and my cuteness everywhere. Maybe I overdid it but oh well hahhah. I also decided to make the buttom trim different. I think the whole fabric embroidery trim gave a very femenine soft touch, and the pink color complimented that look.

 I need to finish the rest of the yarn skein 1.5 left..I though I had the exact amount but it seems I did a bad calculation which is not rare since I'm bad at math. I don't want to have skeins left from any projects. I rather have the perfect amount because then what am I suppose to do with the rest if I don't have enough for a new project? Having to buy more with a different lot dye is a nightmare if the yarn is a solid color I found. I think It's very noticeable. Anyways, what do you think about it? Do you like it? What would you have changed? Again, the pattern isn't mine so here's the links from the creator. I might make an update if I ever decide to add anything else. I just wanted to upload what I had at the moment here. 

Thanks for reading my never-ending complaints :D

pattern by:

Where Sand Meets Forest: Layering in the Sunshine State

 Who said you couldn't wear more in a hot climate country? I'm from Puerto Rico but I moved to Florida which is literally considered the sunshine state. I won't deny that sometimes it has been hard because even though Puerto Rico is hot. It's quite not the same. Florida is weird.. I never had one day where the climate wouldn't change so randomly. Some days hot, other breezy.. then it rains. Well you get it. I had to change the wardrobe several times to see what I could stand for hours. I'm someone who doesn't really go out, and noticed what I had in my wardrobe that I couldn't wear for too many hours or never here O_O. I had bought my pieces that I fall in love because it had many details, layers, heavy materials or synthetic fabrics, etc. Many I had to let go and sell and rethink how I buy from now on. I tried to challenge Florida's weird pattern weather at first but after a while I just got tired? Covid didn't helped either during that time. After having many mood changes due to the constant battle between the multiples change I was noticing in society, I only knew is that I wanted is to be relaxed. I didn't wanted to keep fighting with what I'm supposed to love. FASHION. Working with Youtube videos where I would upload videos where fashion was my main topic took a toll on me. I would find pieces that I could show to people even if they were inconvenient(my fault obviously). I just wanted to show people that you too could wear mori, you just needed to know where to look.

 I noticed that cotton,cotton blend,bamboo are mainly the best for me, linen  as well but it depends because there's different thicknesses and if it's more of the woven type it's less breathable for me. It's no surprise to some. It's a natural breathable material. Not all cotton though. Some are thicker and harsh at least to me so I like when they're combined with elastane or rayon just to name in few. full thick cottons are ok for me if it's the bottom area. To be honest I balance one place where I can get breeze while feeling secured in other areas. Maybe in my case its do to bras that makes me more less resilient. If it's the cheap thin cottons tops they are perfect but if you're a woman.... You're kinda forced to layer more to hide some thingies because they tend to be too transparent. The basics from Uniqlo are my most comfortable tops I own. If I have synthetic materials pieces they have to be at least rayon and if it's polyester they have to be the thinnest ones which isn't hard to find since that's what fast fashion only afford lol. I buy them from Depop or posh mark. Buying online is another topic for another post because I can't touch the materials..... It's a big challenge.

Don't give up. Learn to recognize what you already have. Think on how would you normally layer, and start substituting the fabrics after going out with a typical outfit you would like to wear daily. Itchy, warm, in breathable, etc. Try going with simple looks. Read and study your tolerance. It's all different for everybody. Having pieces and accessories that you can remove and Put back on easily. choose small and thin for every piece and a great tip.

Good luck! 

Supporting Ethical Brands and Craftspeople for a Mindful Mori Style

 We know how fast fashion is ruining the earth. That's nothing new. We have heard it for years but lately it seems people are more opened to suggestions when it comes to sustainability, in this case "fashion". Fashion means a lot to me and I bet that's why you're here. I'm going to talk about sustainable brands or "handmade" shops where you can find pieces that you can incorporate into your wardrobe. There's many out there you also need to do your homework but there's are some I have personally bought from. Sustainable/Ethical means depending on the each person. We could be just talking about not buying out a fast fashion store like Zara or Forever21, etc. To some it could mean every little detail from threads, fabric and who exactly made it. To me, just knowing that I'm supporting someone who is making things at their house even though the materials and tool they bought to make their items didn't came from sustainable places, no matter the country that I'm buying it from if I can support someone instead of fast fashion brand I will. It's a very hard position to be in. we can't have everything.

 I mainly have bought handmade items from Etsy but the website is being run by many massive scammers and drop shippers calling items as "handmade or sustainable. It's incredibly awful.
 Unless you have proof of the items and have information of the seller themselves(if they provide it on their site), you can be fooled.

Me wearing an Etsy thrifted dress made from a crochet embroidered tablecloth.

 Here's a list of crafters who I have bought from several pieces. Every item is very different. many are made with thrifted materials, upcycled into different pieces. there's some who try to replicate the item as identical as they can with what they have. the important thing is to know that there are options. do not think that mori kei has to be new from the replica brands that you find from AliExpress/Taobao, etc. I did started there so don't feel bad. the idea of this particular post is for the people who really want to stick into handmade or ethical options. We can have another topic for replicas and fast fashion pieces if you want me to. I don't want to be an hypocrite and say you can't because I have done it as well. I'm simply trying to serve for different people's want and needs. This is for one of those peoples. Hope this list is helpful. I will try to update it as I go.

 I feel that by supporting small businesses you will start to understand, and appreciate what you will own. At least, I have felt differently compared to when I have bought items from a fast fashion brands. It's quick, easy and cheap. it's so easy to obtain so many replicas that it really doesn't matter in your head because you can get it again right? But it's not the same when you buy from someone with a small shop, someone who has a mindful mind, a more sustainable mind. we learn to wait, appreciate, value, when we open those packages from them you can see the amount of care and love they have given to those pieces. that is something you will never receive from fast fashion brands, you're just an order. 

 I'm not sponsored in any way to these shops. These are shops I have bought from. I can list more shops later, hopefully no more etsy hahah

Handmade/Upcycled Clothing

One of my Etsy haul videos

Sustainable Brands - Ships Worldwide

Pending: not sure if it's sustainable(can't find it anywhere, it mentions it's family owned for years). I love this store clothing but I haven't bought from yet(below)

If you have handmade shops that you want me to link, don't forget to share that information, send me an email or talk to me trough my other social medias like youtube or instagram, even discord. :)

Friday, December 22, 2023

Finding Peace in Morikei and Cottagecore During Lockdowns

 If you're reading this you might be already wearing mori or you're simply trying to understand it, it's all good!. You feel that the fashion speaks to you and the lifestyle makes you feel welcome or cozy? heheh I get it. It is what your soul have always been looking for. don't worry, it's here and it will always stay. I will make sure of it 😝. So what this has to do with the title of this post? well...

 It's no wonder since Covid has impacted our lives that people's mental health has became more chaotic, trying to find an escape even if it meant momentary, who didn't? that goes honestly for everyone. WHO has enjoyed or is enjoying this gray world that were living?, not me that's for sure. Back in the 2000's in the streets of Japan, the society was changing. It was blooming but it was a too fast for the people to get a hang of it, I wasn't there but I can honestly just speak about the fashion trends more than their economy which was also being affected(hence why mori kei was born), well..not really. bit of its reasons, heh. Today were doing it with the introduction of the Cottagecore lifestyle. It's ironic how mori kei came back to the surface again after many years( we know it wasnt dead dead but.. well a bit dead-ish. I guess there's something in common with Mori.😁 

I'm quite late to this topic since lockdowns has been gone(pray the lord)..but here we go.

 Anyhow, I noticed something peculiar these couple of years when I looked at the people who were joining to both communities. I noticed people who have felt attached to both fashion & Lifestyle. These individuals personalities tends to be calm, soft, introverts who likes to spend time by themselves looking for ways to improve their inner self true the power of nature and are full of imagination and creativity. Am I wrong? I'm not saying everyone is the same but there seems to be a pattern of similar personalities, it's no wonder people confuse both Cottagecore and Mori kei, in the end we want a similar end "peace and slow living".

How it all affected me after the lockdowns:

 I noticed how calmer I have become since I have taken the time to create and explore my surroundings. Even myself have become tangled with the fast speed and consumerism scam of society. I noticed how many years it has passed since I felt like I was learning, specially during this depressing years of my life. My soul became sour, sadder than it used to be. after all, I'm alone in the States and haven't made any local friends since I got here. The only mori friends I have made has been online, never met anyone. I was ok doing videos and talking about the fashion, I was upset because I didn't had anyone to have fun but I could endure a bit(another story for another day, I have a hard time making friends lol, but that's a me problem). 

 The moment covid and the lockdown happend everything changed. I couldn't get a hold of myself, a deep hole on my chest started growing, and the fast paced around my surrounding made me felt more ill. At first I'm going to be honest, I though it was a nice excuse to stay inside playing games forever or do other things I enjoyed but I never really had any idea of what I could learn, I just wanted to be alone since I'm an introvert. But that didn't lasted long when I started to grasp for some REAL air and sunlight. I decided to escape to a "Park". I started looking online if anyone was feeling the way I did and no surprise we all were depressed with how things were at the time. I noticed many started lifting themselves by creating new jobs, enjoying new hobbies and that inspired me. I decided to do the same and find my muse again. my hobbies were limited at the time and were mostly in dust and stored since I moved to the states. I wasn't creating like I used to because most my tools and materials weren't with me anymore, I had kept changing from different hobbies since I got here but I couldn't really connect to any of them until I found crochet & gardening. You see, I always been an impatient person, always wanted things to be done or be ready right away. 

 I don't understand why I was like that, even in school I would even compete with my classmates with writing down all notes as fast as I could, maybe I though it was fun and that stayed with me, weird. I noticed now in the present that that I try to do the same, rush my life. I don't even remember enjoying many things did in my youth. During lockdowns I wanted to be more resilient with things like patience satisfaction with life and find inner peace. 

 Trust me, I have come so far from how I used to be and I'm still not perfect, I know I will never be. I know I mention in the past that we/us mori people are calm, this or that. But I'm only talking about the present me and not the way I used to be. I have learned a lot in these past few years. I remember more of my present than younger self years, and all the things I have accomplished. After being more active into the fashion and lifestyle thanks to social media I started incorporating things based on what's been popular according to the old mori magazines and blogs for my mental health and for a way to put myself in the shoes of the old mori folks. That's when I started looking into gardening and crochet. I have never done either nor I had anyone who could teach me. These were hobbies that I always admired and was tempted to try but didn't know anyone who knew about it or knew how to make it. Back in my old ages we could only rely on books or people you knew. zero internet until I was a teenager. Today what you have seen me do been learned from scratch. 

 I feel more fulfilled right now. The idea of filling your head with new ideas even if gives you a bit of headache at times, once you see with your own hands what you have created it completely transforms you. It impacted my life to another level ,and I want it to stay with me as long as I can, I will try to do more slow living activities to keep my inner self intact even if our society is falling into pure chaos. I want to stay sowing and growing my vegetables in my backyard while I watch the world burn, heheh( I went a bit dark for fun).

Have the lockdown has affected the way you think or reflect in life?

Forest Fairies' Favorite Filling: A Keto-Friendly Zucchini Pie for Woodland Feasts

 Hello!, This is a recipe I made for thanksgiving few years ago and I uploaded to my channel but since im making a blog. I decided to include it for people who were looking for something gluten free & Keto, it's delicious and healthy dessert to bake.

We did enjoyed making it and we already ate all of it hahahaha. please if you're going to recreate it please credit me, we (bf and me) spent a lot of time making it up. today's recipe is a fake apple pie! we replaced apple with zucchini! say what? I know it sounds weird but, It does taste like apple, I never had zucchini pie before and I was very skeptical.. but it does work :D

Apples are not part of a keto diet so we had to improvise. we aren't gonna sacrifice a lot of the thanksgiving feast ;) we made the recipe for both vegan and keto people and if you're gluten intolerant you can substitute what we used for gluten for more almond flour.
i really liked the idea of making them in tiny containers because it's fun for parties or just to control your appetite. :)

Products I used from amazon: (these are affiliate links, these will help support my channel/blog at no cost from you) xantham gum
Written instructions: Ingredients: Filling: 2-3 medium zucchini 3 Tbsp Lime juice 1 Tbsp Apple cider vinegar 1-2 tsp Ground cinnamon 1/16 tsp nutmeg 1/16 tsp all spices 1/16 tsp ginger 1/16 tsp cardamom (optional) 1 tsp vanilla extract ½ tsp cream of tartar ½ tsp butter/coconut oil (vegan alternative) ⅓ cup allulose ⅓ cup monk fruit/erythritol ¼ tsp Salt ¼ tsp xanthan gum ¼ tsp guar gum Crust: ½ tsp xanthan gum ¼ tsp salt 1-2 tsp psyllium husk 10g flax flour 15g vital wheat gluten 40g coconut flour 96g almond flour 3 tbsp shredded (butter)or 3 tablespoons of oil (vegan alternative) 1 tbsp coconut oil ¼- ½ cup cold water
Once 30-60 mins has passed. Use a colander and try to remove all the excess water from the container. Transfer the zucchini in another dry container and throw away the water and add 3 tbsp of lime juice and mix it. Covered it and let it sit for 30-60 mins.

Peel 2-3 medium sized zucchini,cut them in half , slice lengthwise and cut them again by slicing them in 3 equal parts, then cut across in small pieces at least ½ inch each.
Once you’ve had all the small pieces, lay them down and sprinkle some salt and massage with your hands the zucchini so it soaks the salt, then pour them in a container and wait 30-60 mins.
In a small pot in the stove, add the zucchini pieces and add all the spices listed on the ingredients:
1 Tbsp Apple cider vinegar 1-2 tsp Ground cinnamon 1/16 tsp nutmeg 1/16 tsp all spices 1/16 tsp ginger 1/16 tsp cardamom (optional) 1 tsp vanilla extract ½ tsp cream of tartar ½ tsp butter/coconut oil ⅓ cup allulose ⅓ cup monk fruit/erythritol ¼ tsp Salt
In a dry bowl, add:
Mix all of the ingredients and cover for 5-10 mins in medium low heat until the zucchini until it turns tender or translucent.
½ tsp xanthan gum
After the cooking is done, add ¼ tsp xanthan gum & ¼ tsp guar gum and mix again to thicken it. (filling is done for now)
Mix until you have a homogeneous mixture, add
¼ tsp salt
1-2 tsp psyllium husk
10g flax flour
15g vital wheat gluten
40g coconut flour
96g almond flour
3 tbsp shredded (butter)
1 tbsp coconut oil
¼- ½ cup cold water
knead and combine the mixture until it turns into a dough. The texture is a bit fragile and crumbly.
Pour small amounts of the mixture into your preferred mold, make a thin layer of the crust mixture in your mold and pre bake it in the oven at 400f for 10 mins. (use aluminum to cover the corners, it can burn easy)
Once the crust is ready, pour the zucchini mix into the mold, add the remaining dough for the cover of your pie in a thin layer, and make slices with a small knife on top, broil the pie for 2-5 mins.

Hope you like it, I'm not fluent in English so im sorry lol, Miwako Our recipe was modified a lot from these:

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Finding My Forest Within: Embracing Mori Girl

 It wasn't more than 5 or 6 years ago that I started dressing up in the forest style aka "Mori Girl fashion", shocker? well I mean, in a long short well...I got obssesed lol. I tried to dress up in several J-fashion styles before leaving my country, I mainly wore them inside my room, never got the experience to express myself in j-style back in my hometown in public, except emo-ish if you can call it that, Avril Lavigne with some tomboyish, Geeky looks hahah. I started wearing J-fashion style outdoors for the first time after living in the States which was in less than 6-7 years ago, so yes, Back in my country I was a t-shirt and jeans girl and later the emo gurl who hated anything girly( Im not like other girls, oh god...I mainly dressed up "normie" mainly due to money but more than anything, it was due to the small exposure to fashion choices/styles back home. Young fashion styles for girls/women weren't attractive to me growing up even still to this day. I think most of J-fashion enthusiast has a similar background story. It all changed after having access to the internet that I saw j-fashion after finding out about Japanese music  followed by my love for Anime. even still then, I wasn't able to buy them because in Puerto Rico things started being available a lot later than in the States, I didn't had a credit card, I didn't know where to buy from, I also didn't know anyone from USA or any other part of the world, I didn't had a local friend either who liked what I liked in j-fashion sense.

 Present though:
 There's many J-fashion subgenres I still like in the present from Lolita to Visual Kei. Gothic lolita? Ohhh yess, Ouji fashion YES. I appreciate and admire most of the styles, Decora, kawaii, Yume kawaii they're in my heart, still want a piece of those too,heheh. To be honest, I still want a lolita capsule closet but I never get to decide on the coord I would like to buy. I kept saying it for years,  and still today I have the same excuse😏
Me attempting mixing lolita x mori at a wedding :3

 Ehem,back into the past!
 I found that when I looked at the mori coords from magazines pictures online, there was a was breath taken. It's as if my heart would grew bigger and bigger when I would see every detail of the coordinates I saw. The other style that gives me a similar or close feeling is lolita fashion but its less practical for me at least when it comes to those amazing coords that are released from the popular brands. Oh, also visual kei punk outfits because I loved An cafe and thought they were  so cool. ( I only dressed in j-fashion inside my room).( for those who knew me back in kawaii fashion). I mentioned earlier that there weren't anything close to any j fashion style was available at my country back then nor I had money to buy from Japan, not even knew anyone personally so I joined the  fashion by early 2012-2015 ish. Only started seeing them after Anime conventions became a thing here but mainly saw maid costumes and hand made cosplays, maybe I saw something similar to emo x visual kei, anime t-shirts, plushies or merch mostly, it's been years so I might be wrong in one or several things, bear with me lol.
 Once I had started to join the workforce (lame), I started looking for something more casual, and modest with mature color palette, and less feminine pieces to fit in my job. I was living in my hometown where people were more judgmental of colors and very cutesy styles on an "adult woman", it was considered infantile( oh no...shocker🙄). Many can identify with me on that. I didn't had anyone to share it with and was scared of people's opinions😫 

 In my past job I wore about everything in any color and style.  This is just the experience on my first job. I started from very basic, and neutral colors then I moved to more relaxed ones back then. It's not as if I had worn revealing in the past but I didn't had oversized/relaxed pieces except for sleepwear. it was common for People only said negative things toward women not dressing their interpretation of an adult woman on her "years of glory" top it it simple, I don't agree at all, I never understood what my age and clothing choices had anything to do with that. 

 I was obviously more insecure back then than I am now. I still am I mean I because mini public face by starting to talk about mori kei fashion(Ironic, jokes on me😜) , and well now it's more inevitable than before, although my feedbacks has been a lot more positive than I ever imagined and I'm really thanksful for that, it's a big reason why I'm making content in different platforms today, even here now. 

 I finally decided to try those "grandma pajamas" someone who had no idea about the fashion would say and had said something similar int he past no jokes, and you know what? I got obsessed and felt so happy, for some reason it made me feel like a princess? a Granma princess??? Haha. with so many layers i feel like can fly, only I could wish so.

 Can I wear something as comfortable as pajamas outdoors?? I'm IN!, I Said. Now it's harder to stop thrifting for more cool pieces that I can incorporate into the fashion since there's many ways to style it, (another story for another post ;3)

First time I worn a "complete" outfit outdoors


Sunlight Through Branches, Leaves Rustle Secrets: Mori's Gentle Transformation

 Hello my hoglets, it's me again.. well who did you expected anyways? hahah. I'm...READY for my next topic. I wanted to talk about something in case you weren't aware off... and it's that.. as the title suggests... mori isn't GONE/DONE. I know...I know *shocked pikachu face*😆. We know it has been a long time since the fashion was "trendy" (Irony, if you know you know lol) .But it was never really gone gone.. it's visibility might have faded but it was always there for the people who didn't fit into trends, and values what mori kei stands for. They/we were just hidden.. a bit.. or a lot....  like hoglets (lol).. This might be no brainer to some people but sometimes we do get scared when things get lost in time and history, there are individuals like us that yearn for the past at least in this context...morikei fashion. I do care for it a lot too, and I know I haven't worn it for as many years as other OG mori people but it always had been inside of me, now it's the time for me to yell MORI I LOVE YOUuuuuu lol...

 now for REAL -cough-

 Did you know the fashion is still worn by Japanese people but they no longer call it mori kei/mori girl? (FYI: many japanese people don't even know that fashion even existed at all, yup..sad). today's still it's more driven into sustainability and minimalism. A slight difference than OG mori kei but still a similar-ish path. I'm glad hah, don't you think so? ufff. It's more into natural materials than the og style.. specially Linen. To be honest, I have seen on intagram accounts from a very cutesy lacey, and embroidery coords to very simplistic ones, layered but more solid pieces. Both with a more mature look than mori kei from the 2000's since it was mainly worn by Teen and college students and today's look is more driven to adults, but younger people wear it. It's about comfort don't forget ;)

Some OLD images from stores and magazine STREET shoots. there's many variations of mori outfits. This is just an example of the girly/cutesy versions I meant, there's even more cutesy versions (mainly by magazines, the og versions weren't meant to be super cutesy) if you know you know ;). 

Modern style called "natural fashion"

    The clothing pieces I've seen is more size inclusive since this "new style" is more oversized and relaxed than the old school mori kei in the old age era. The brands are more expensive since they're more smaller/indie shop that create these pieces. so, if you want to support those brands you can since there's many that sell on which is an equivalent store like Etsy but Japan. the bad news is that you need a third party service in order to ship. i just wanted to share the news to anyone who didn't know that the sizes are more inclusive and also longer length for people who didn't fit into the old mori brands ;)

What do you think about the current "Natural Linen Fashion "aka modern mori kei? 

Unveiling the Mystery: What is Mori Girl and Why You Might Love It


"A 2000's Japanese fashion inspired by Nature & European Folktales"

Mori means Forest
 森ガール (Forest Girl)"

    It was a Japanese fashion movement started by women who didn't want to follow the current trendy fashion, at the time the popular women's fashion were Gyaru or Lolita fashion. They had no desire of dressing too cute or too hyper feminine, they also didn't want to wear anything that would attract men. Mori in general is in the middle of both, not too cute, feminine and modest as well.

It's a mix of natural/folklore/boho/ethnic/vintage/retro with a touch of Quirkiness. The fashion was influenced by Northern Europe’s: Forests, Ethnic Clothing and Folk Stories.


    The fashion was already worn by women years earlier before it came popular or trendy; it was more of an underground group of women who shared similar tastes. 

but it was not seen on the Harajuku streets until 2009 when it reached popularity. After the group became a bit bigger they decided to make a group online so they could meet more people who also enjoyed similar things in 2006. At the time the group wasn't named mori girl.

Choco, who was the admin of the group, used to share outfits of her own, until someone pointed out that she looks like she lives in the forest.

That year 2006 decided to name it mori girl after the group became bigger in order to have a clear idea/image of the style. Little by little her community started having popularity and at one point it surpassed  35k followers.

 By 2009 she decided to release her style book showcasing her outfits and giving tips so  future mori girls could relate from that year and on mori started to be featured in and fashion magazines, anime and dramas. By 2012 fashion started to die off elegant and sporty outfits, college students who also used to wear morikei entered workforce so they started dressing up more with business attire. Due to the fast movement of fast fashion ,brands started to change, mori kei brands started to close because it isn't popular anymore until the fashion itself began to dissolve in popularity.

  Once it started, it became popular online. Naturally people from overseas started following Japanese blogs & Brands, and started experimenting with the fashion and making their own content and blogs specialist in live journal. Even once it stopped being popular in Japan,  many tried to archive as much information as possible, some information then was passed to tumbler and then Instagram and just like today Youtube. Some blogs exist today from those years but many have been shut down. :(

These were MY answers on my interview with Cybrgirl on a Youtube video regarding Morikei vs Cottagecore.

Getting rid of STUFF is HARD

     Here I am today deciding when and what to keep. you see, my close is very small. well.. my whole room it is small. some people might th...