Thursday, December 21, 2023

Finding My Forest Within: Embracing Mori Girl

 It wasn't more than 5 or 6 years ago that I started dressing up in the forest style aka "Mori Girl fashion", shocker? well I mean, in a long short well...I got obssesed lol. I tried to dress up in several J-fashion styles before leaving my country, I mainly wore them inside my room, never got the experience to express myself in j-style back in my hometown in public, except emo-ish if you can call it that, Avril Lavigne with some tomboyish, Geeky looks hahah. I started wearing J-fashion style outdoors for the first time after living in the States which was in less than 6-7 years ago, so yes, Back in my country I was a t-shirt and jeans girl and later the emo gurl who hated anything girly( Im not like other girls, oh god...I mainly dressed up "normie" mainly due to money but more than anything, it was due to the small exposure to fashion choices/styles back home. Young fashion styles for girls/women weren't attractive to me growing up even still to this day. I think most of J-fashion enthusiast has a similar background story. It all changed after having access to the internet that I saw j-fashion after finding out about Japanese music  followed by my love for Anime. even still then, I wasn't able to buy them because in Puerto Rico things started being available a lot later than in the States, I didn't had a credit card, I didn't know where to buy from, I also didn't know anyone from USA or any other part of the world, I didn't had a local friend either who liked what I liked in j-fashion sense.

 Present though:
 There's many J-fashion subgenres I still like in the present from Lolita to Visual Kei. Gothic lolita? Ohhh yess, Ouji fashion YES. I appreciate and admire most of the styles, Decora, kawaii, Yume kawaii they're in my heart, still want a piece of those too,heheh. To be honest, I still want a lolita capsule closet but I never get to decide on the coord I would like to buy. I kept saying it for years,  and still today I have the same excuse😏
Me attempting mixing lolita x mori at a wedding :3

 Ehem,back into the past!
 I found that when I looked at the mori coords from magazines pictures online, there was a was breath taken. It's as if my heart would grew bigger and bigger when I would see every detail of the coordinates I saw. The other style that gives me a similar or close feeling is lolita fashion but its less practical for me at least when it comes to those amazing coords that are released from the popular brands. Oh, also visual kei punk outfits because I loved An cafe and thought they were  so cool. ( I only dressed in j-fashion inside my room).( for those who knew me back in kawaii fashion). I mentioned earlier that there weren't anything close to any j fashion style was available at my country back then nor I had money to buy from Japan, not even knew anyone personally so I joined the  fashion by early 2012-2015 ish. Only started seeing them after Anime conventions became a thing here but mainly saw maid costumes and hand made cosplays, maybe I saw something similar to emo x visual kei, anime t-shirts, plushies or merch mostly, it's been years so I might be wrong in one or several things, bear with me lol.
 Once I had started to join the workforce (lame), I started looking for something more casual, and modest with mature color palette, and less feminine pieces to fit in my job. I was living in my hometown where people were more judgmental of colors and very cutesy styles on an "adult woman", it was considered infantile( oh no...shocker🙄). Many can identify with me on that. I didn't had anyone to share it with and was scared of people's opinions😫 

 In my past job I wore about everything in any color and style.  This is just the experience on my first job. I started from very basic, and neutral colors then I moved to more relaxed ones back then. It's not as if I had worn revealing in the past but I didn't had oversized/relaxed pieces except for sleepwear. it was common for People only said negative things toward women not dressing their interpretation of an adult woman on her "years of glory" top it it simple, I don't agree at all, I never understood what my age and clothing choices had anything to do with that. 

 I was obviously more insecure back then than I am now. I still am I mean I because mini public face by starting to talk about mori kei fashion(Ironic, jokes on me😜) , and well now it's more inevitable than before, although my feedbacks has been a lot more positive than I ever imagined and I'm really thanksful for that, it's a big reason why I'm making content in different platforms today, even here now. 

 I finally decided to try those "grandma pajamas" someone who had no idea about the fashion would say and had said something similar int he past no jokes, and you know what? I got obsessed and felt so happy, for some reason it made me feel like a princess? a Granma princess??? Haha. with so many layers i feel like can fly, only I could wish so.

 Can I wear something as comfortable as pajamas outdoors?? I'm IN!, I Said. Now it's harder to stop thrifting for more cool pieces that I can incorporate into the fashion since there's many ways to style it, (another story for another post ;3)

First time I worn a "complete" outfit outdoors


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